The Louvre in Paris

August 16, 2008

The largest museum in the world, the Louvre contains over 35,000 works of art placed in halls spanning 650,000 sq. feet. One of the most famous pieces at the Louvre is the Mona Lisa, which I must admit, is smaller than I would have accepted. However, it is so popular that most people that go to the Louvre, go simply to say that they have seen the Mona Lisa. On my last visit to Paris, I did spend the day at the Louvre, but was rather disappointed with the Mona Lisa. Not because the painting wasn’t all that, but because it is covered by a glass case, and is surrounded by a security rope that prevents you from getting closer than 10 feet from the painting.

The Louvre however, has other works of art that deserve more attention, including sculptures (Venus de Milo and Louise XIV scultures were extra special), and other paintings from the different eras including Impressionism.

Having read and loved the Da Vinci Code, my first visit to the Louvre was filled with anticipation of the location where the book starts off from. I even took a picture of what I thought was the window from which Robert Langdon made his getaway.

You can easily spend 2-3 days at the Louvre and still not see everything, so it is advisable to go with an idea of the things yu do want to cover if you only plan to spend a day or so there.

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